Lightroom Shortcuts keyboard

Adobe Lightroom Classic is filled with tons of Lightroom shortcuts and we have put together some keyboard shortcuts you need to know to speed up your editing workflow. So don’t work like a dumb be smart with smart work with Lightroom Keyboard shortcuts. You can use lightroom shortcuts for smart work Ctrl is for windows PC  and command is for  mac basically both are same in Lightroom classic and cc .Your workflow increases after using shortcut keys , imagine your speed before using them. If you want pdf file for lightroom Shortcuts then you can download this from our button given below

Lightroom shortcuts

Popular Lightroom shortcuts

Note :- You can use shortcuts for smart work Ctrl is for windows PC  and command is for  mac basically both are same

Auto Tone

If you want to change the color tone of an image then press Ctrl + U . If you want to remove the filter then click on undo option


If you want to remove the filters or applied mistakenly then press Ctrl+Z

Grid View

By tapping on Ctrl + G you will get grid view in your images

Edit a copy in Adobe Photoshop

Smart work and not enough time ? make the image copy don’t worry  lightroom shortcuts helps you , press Ctrl +E to make a copy direct in Adobe photoshop

Develop Module

Just press Ctrl + D to edit your image directly on Develop module

Auto White Balance

White balance exposure is filter of Lightroom if you want apply directly on image then press Ctrl+shift+U

Hide All Panels

If you need to increase the size of image while editing or to zoom in then press Ctrl+F

Crop Tool

Press R to cut or trim the unwanted areas of your images

Activate Spot Removal

If you want to get rid of spotty and patchy skin while editing image in lightroom, then activate the spot removal feature by clicking Q

Convert to Grayscale

If you want to give black and white colors to your image then press V if you want your original photo back then again press V

Lightroom Shortcuts to speedup the workflow and smart work

Lightroom has amazing premium features to avail this features smarty , you can use  unflag shortcuts keys while editing your image


While editing you need to add masking over you images then press shift +O

Eraser toggle

By tapping alt key , your brush toggle replaces with eraser toggler now you can easily remove the marks while editing your photos


While editing your photo you wants to use intensity , then press alt the dot on the screen moves left and right to increase or decrease the intensity while editing

Reset setting

By pressing on alt you can easily reset your edits  if you reject changes you done in Lightroom

Brush  toggle

Want to use two brushes at same time then no worry , use A and B keys to  replace brush A with Brush B , now you can easily paints your photo in lightroom

Perfect straight lines

If you want perfect straight lines on your photos then press shift . This shortcut hotkeys is basically for editing photos like architecture and landscapes

Lightroom range mask

Sometimes auto mask tool shows some errors , Lightroom has its alternative , Lightroom range mask is used to add specific colors while editing photos

lightroom shortcut to see original

For the original view of your image you have to press backslash key (\)

Adding colors of your own choice

Desaturate the masked area and color it your favorite ones by using color gradient filter  in Lightroom

Overlay tint

Fed up of coloring images and its adjustments on photo , Don’t worry Lightroom allows you overly tint option throughout which you can color the whole image

Save and Restore brush presets

In Lightroom , you created your own brushes presets, can easily saved and restored them so you will face any issues next time

Local adjustments

If you want to control the local adjustments of filters in Lightroom rotate the images , crop  ,use  ‘ key so you can easily edit on desired selected parts of your image, you can also auto strengthen the image by pressing “R” then select Auto option.

Reset settings

Tired of manual work in Lightroom, work smart and save time just double tap on the effect you are using to label  reset its setting