Best Lightroom Export Settings for Instagram

If you are a social influencer you must know about the best Lightroom export settings for Instagram just if you want the best results don’t worry, visit our site you will get the best Lightroom export settings for Instagram through which you can easily make professional edits on your photos and videos. You will get all the details about exporting photos, editing photos by using Lr, applying presets, and much more. What are you waiting for? Download the Lightroom application from our site.


How do I Export the Best Quality from Lightroom for Instagram?

For exporting the best quality Adobe Lightroom cc from Instagram you follow the following steps.

  • Crop
    • Crop your image and the ratio will be 4:5.
  • JPEG or PNG
    • JPEG or PNG is the format of the file.
  • Color spacing
    • Color spacing will be sRGB.
  • Image sizing
    • Image sizing height and Width of the image will be W: 2160px H: leave blank.
  • Resolution
    • Resolution will be  72 pixels per inch.
  • Dimensions
    • Dimensions will be custom.

Guide to Best Lightroom export settings for Instagram

The following settings are used for Lightroom classic export for Instagram in the mobile app.

1. Image Crop

Image cropping is a crucial step. Imagine you click a photo of a sunset, but it is too wide to upload on Instagram. So, the photo will be cropped first to a suitable size and then uploaded on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media apps. You can also crop the black border of the photo.

2. File Format

The format of the file will be JPEG or PNG but it does matter which one is the format of the file. You save the file in this form on your device. Which can be edited.

3. Color Space

Color spacing is how to colors of photos are arranged. To maintain the colors of photos Instagram converts it into an sRGB file. Because of color spacing, we feel different color tunes in different devices. Some photos have a blue color tone.

4. Quality

The quality of the file is related to the size of the file. If the size of the file is larger then it takes time to upload. Keep in mind the quality of your photo is set at 75% the size will be moderate and it doesn’t take time to upload. You can also print good-quality photos.

 5. Image Size

The size of the image for uploading on Instagram is 4:5. This ratio you can upload your image.

 6. Image Resolution

It is about 1080 pixels wide for regular photos. For cover photos, it is 851px by 315px.

7. Sharpen

It is about 1080 pixels wide for regular photos. For cover photos, it is 851px by 315px.


For Best Lightroom export settings for Instagram, all you need to do is follow the steps and set up the right export settings in Lightroom. Secondly, it’s worth mentioning: that the key to high-quality Instagram posts lies in how they are exported–creating a balance between image quality and file size through these parameters is an invaluable point for anyone seeking fame as a blogger or Instagrammer.  By calibrating all of these settings to make a seamless fit, you can boast how perfect your posts look on everything from the blog to Instagram. This is the best app of 2024. These all features satisfy your client. After editing the photo, you can easily download it. You can use this app in dark mode.