Lightroom vs Lightroom Classic : Best for you

Adobe launches two versions,  lightroom vs lightroom classic together, the desktop based lightroom named as Lightroom classic and whereas the cloud based lightroom named as Lightroom CC, Lightroom cc means creative cloud . Both apps are used for editing purposes . They differentiate each other because of storing photos in different places, lightroom classic stores photos local space , the lightroom cc stores photos in adobe cloud. There are many differences among them, according to your needs you can decide which lightroom is more preferable for you 

Whatโ€™s Adobe Lightroom Classic?

Adobe lightroom classic is an editing app which is only accessible on desktop , pc and it stores images in hard drive, this app allows you to edit  raw photos in high quality. This app makes albums and folders to organize data  .As this app is powered by AI it allows interesting features and much stronger  tools for editing your photos in high resolution. You can export photos in any formats like DNG file jpg and others. You can easily make online and offline edits while operating the app. As well this app allows you many modules like library module, develop module and others so you can easily operate the app to make perfect edits. It also edits landscape photos

Whatโ€™s Adobe Lightroom / Lightroom CC?

Lightroom CC is cloud based application which is only accessible on mac mobiles , iPhones , iOS . This application has simple features that is a reason it has fewer tools than lightroom classic . Through the app you can easily synchronize your data through the cloud and apply presets while editing . This app manages its stored data in albums only through geo tagging you can easily find out data from albums . This app lets you import photos in formats such as DNG, jpg and other files. Its performance is perfect due to its premium features . It has generative features .

lightroom vs lightroom classic

Here we have given some differences between lightroom vs lightroom classic. You can easily select the app which is more useful and beneficial for you to make perfect edits according to your desires . Most photographers use Lightroom Classic as it is rich in editing tools and features . You can also make edits in photoshop.

lightroom vs lightroom classic

The Naming Headache

Lightroom is categorized into two application by Adobe, Lightroom vs Lightroom classic 
Lightroom classic has  stronger tools for editing tools on the other hand lightroom cc has simple tools, Lightroom classic is desktop based application while lightroom cc is accessible on any device both apps have different names and features . If you want better results than use lightroom cc other for simple results use lightroom cc


As the lightroom vs lightroom classic are different versions then obviously prices also differ from each other. Pay 19.9$ per month to avail Lightroom classic with adobe photography package , you can also renew the package after the end of month . You can also purchase monthly or yearly subscriptions , for Lightroom you need to pay just 9.9$ per month and 119.9$ per year. But if you download this applications from our website then enjoy all features and tools free of cost without paying a single penny.

Why do I mostly prefer Lightroom Classic in replace of Lightroom CC in 2024?

For my experience i used lightroom classic in place of lightroom because it fulfill my needs and has following features which makes my photographic journey more amazing.

Photos stored locally, not in the cloud

By using lightroom classic I can easily store photos in hard drive or also export them in any file formats and this process is time saving while on the hand lightroom cc stores photos in cloud , it means you can download only one image at one time , It’s time taking application . So i suggest lightroom classic for storing photos

It has a Photo Book Module

Lightroom classic allows you modules like book modules, library, and a quick develop module than others, you can easily select a picture and drop it directly in the module without facing any problem. What are you waiting for ? download lightroom classic  and enjoy better edits

It has a soft proofing feature

When you send or share photo to social media like Instagram or Facebook , there is some changes in colors of images,, I suggest you to use lightroom classic as it has soft proofing feature which help you to preserve your photo colors in any other file

The Plugins Available on Lightroom Classic

As lightroom classic has strong editing tools in addition it adds plugin with its to make editing more advanced , It has many plugins few of them are:
Topaz Studio 2 ( responsible for sharpness of images)
LR Backup Plugin ( responsible to save your images )
Opal โ€“ Opacity Slider Plugin(responsible for more flexibility)

Pros & Cons of Lightroom Classic


Easy to use

Has stronger editing tools

Stores images locally 

Works offline and online

Unlimited edits


Desktop based only

Do Not sync data

Pros & Cons of Lightroom CC


Easy to use 

Simple editing tools

Synchronizes data 

Cloud based software

Accessed on any device


Limited editing tools

No additional plugins

Stores data in cloud storage 

Final Thoughts

As it is a little bit confusing that two applications lightroom vs lightroom classic have a similar name with different functions and different features . Users are getting double trouble No worry we are here to seek out your problems , In the above table you can easily find out the main differences from each . In the results we find out that Lightroom CC is made for simple uses editing but if you are professional and need expert and well editing tools then download lightroom classic.

FAQs โ€“ Frequently Asked Questions

The professional photographers use lightroom classic as it has much more editing tools to make their edits better and more generic.

The photographers that need simple edits or want to edit their photos anywhere on any device ,this app is really reliable for them.

Lightroom classic is desktop based application for windows users 

It depends on your photos need , whether simple edits or advanced edits accordingly you can choose.

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